ONE TOUCH 6個情境熱鍵,任意編輯你想要的智能遙控:燈光、家電、窗簾、插座、連動式組合群控,依然輕鬆解決困雜的操作難題,在酒店大廳、宴會廳、酒店包廂、KTV包廂、PUB、Piano Bar、餐桌、玄關、走道、床頭、家庭劇院等任何你想的位置,都可透過LC60T發送指令。RF433經由(RLD900)達到情境模式,開關燈及調光、窗簾控制、投影開關機、任何全LED與電腦動靜態情境變化。我們有最貼心簡便操作設計、利用按壓秒數長短達到記憶與操作之區別。我們提供以RF、IP網路與控制透過URT2100傳送資料回饋訊息變化,達到即時更新情境狀態,可在電腦、IPD、APP手機、雙向訊息傳遞,可讓你在螢幕上了解即時更新之內容。
with six situation keys for one touch, you can edit any desired intelligent remote control arbitrarily:lighting, household appliances, curtain, socket, coordinated synthetic group control, so that you can solve complicated operational puzzles easily. In the hotel lobby, banquet hall, hotel box, KTV box, PUB, Piano Bar, board, hallway, sidewalk and bedside can send introductions RF433 through LC60T and reach situation mode, lighting switch, dimming, curtain control, any complete LDE and computer static and dynamic situation changes by virtue of (RLD900). We have the most intimate and simplest operation design, utilize length of press seconds to reach the difference between memory and operation, and provide RF and IP network and control for you to transfer data feedback message changes through URT2100m reach immediate updating situation state, transfer bidirectional message on computer, IPD and APP phone, and make you know about immediate updating content on the screen.